Aluminum Railing Reviews

Ryan Matthews

Aluminum Railing Reviews

If you are searching for railing information, our aluminum railing reviews will be much of advantage. There are lots of things to discus in this reviews.

So let’s head to our reviews content navigation which includes the definition of aluminum railing and power coating, the draw of aluminum railing, pros and cons, installation method and the use of professional installer for aluminum railing, sample cost and comparison guide as well as the frequently asked questions.

Here are each of the detailed explanation you need to read carefully if you tend to use aluminum railing.

Definition of Aluminum Railing

What is actually aluminum railing?

Finding the definition must refer to what materials used to build aluminum deck railing.

Do you guess aluminum is the materials forming the aluminum railing? You are true.

Aluminum is not only sturdy but also non-corrosive material that is considered perfect for railing. To build a railing, there is a process called extrusion at which the aluminum is shaped through a die.

The railing design is also formed through the extrusion along with the well-placed welds to provide strength to the deck aluminum railing.

There are a variety of extrusion design offered by the railing brands. In this case, the overall quality of aluminum railing is determined by the wall thickness and architectural design.

The ticker the wall, the stronger the railing will be. This means that the railing can span longer spaces between the posts. In short reviews, the high quality of aluminum railing will lead to the strength, durability and versatility.

Once aluminum is treated with the extrusion process and the welded appropriate joints, aluminum deck railing will get its finishing process named powder coating.

So what is powder coating?

It seems a magical process adding a crucial element to anti-corrosion aluminum railings.

Definition of Power Coating

In our aluminum railing reviews, it is stated that powder coating is a type of finishing that comes with anti-corrosive properties.

In this case, applying powder coating is processed uniquely using the power of electricity to evenly. This way, outside elements can cause the coating impenetrable.

The process of power coating can be started dipping the aluminum into a solution to prepare the surface for the rest of the powder aluminum process.

Later, when it gets dried, it endures a negative electrical charge. The opposite charge is received by the powder.

Afterwards, the powder is sprayed while the opposite charge results in powder coating. This involves the complete coverage. The waste of the powder coating process is just eliminated.

Later, the powder coated aluminum is processed again in an oven for drying and finishing. This finishing method keeps the aluminum railing from peeling under the heat of the sun. As a result, it is simply clean and polished as well as shine for many years to come.

Read Also: Wrought Iron Railing Reviews

The Draw of Aluminum Railing

It is best described that aluminum is one of the most versatile railings you will ever find. They fit most of the design. Further, it is also a budget-friendly option. Here are other benefits that you can expect to obtain from aluminum railing.


Aluminum railing is considered durable due to the fact that it cannot rust or corrode. It cannot blister or peel. They have even a minimum problems of wood such as splintering or warping. This is may be because of the indestructible railing types of aluminum.  

Low Maintenance

Low aluminum is an addition to aluminum durability. Believe it or not, powder coated aluminum is free from maintenance.

The maintenance includes only a hose down or power wash of environmental influences such as grass clippings or pollen.

The powder coating is not cracking, peeling or chipping just like the simple paint. For outdoor railings, you can just clean it by wiping it down as needed.

Easy Installation

Based on this aluminum railing reviews, it is also stated that aluminum railing is also featuring easy installation.

Truly, aluminum deck railing is available with install kit, allowing it to be preferable for most people just by using the basic tools such as a drill, tape measure and level.

Budget Friendly

Thanks to the aluminum railing that is available in affordable options. However, compared to wood, it can be more expensive than the plain wood yet it can also be cheaper than the high-end materials including stainless steel, wrought iron and glass.

The budget-friendly aluminum railing is typically supported by the low maintenance, DIY installation availability and lifespan.


To provide strength, aluminum railing is made from strong alloys that are good for the railing system. That’s why, railing which is made from aluminum is strong.

In addition to the strength, aluminum railing does not rot or wear like other railing materials.

In this case, aluminum railings are perfect for settings that undergo harsh weather or heavy tear and wear.


Truly, aluminum railing appears to be beautiful and mimic other different materials like wrought iron.

This way, aluminum can have the most ideal look when you combine the deck with the lower cost, better durability and easier installation. This combination will finally create attractive looks.

Pros and Cons of Aluminum Railing

Like many other building materials, aluminum railings come also with the pros and cons to let the consumer consider before finally purchasing and using it on your deck, stairway and patio.


There are some benefits that make people keep purchasing aluminum railing from times to times.

  • Strong

Aluminum railings are strong due to the process of constructing it. Aluminum railings are used mainly on heavy-duty applications. It can even stand up to the rigors railings face.

  • Light

Aluminum railing is light. Accordingly, it is easy to work with it. This makes it very possible for a solo DIY project.

Even when you hire a professional installer, the project will be easily and quickly finished. There will be no complicated things dealing with the materials.

  • Attractive

Aluminum railing looks attractive. There are many different options when it comes to color, shape, style and other aesthetic options abound. The styles are ranging from modern to classic.

It is also recommended that you choose aluminum railing with powder coating to ensure the reap benefits of aluminum strength as well as longevity. Believe it or not, no coating will loses its durability.

  • Low maintenance

Aluminum railing has a low maintenance. You can just wipe it down when there is any debris or dust.

  • Durable

Aluminum railing proves to be durable due to its ability to stand up to most test of toughness. Aluminum with powder coating is resistant to corrosion, insects, rust and warping.

  • Environmentally friendly

Thanks to the eco-friendly feature added to the railing. It impacts nothing on the environment due to fact that it is a recycled product.


The biggest downside based on our aluminum railing reviews is the fact that it can get a bad rap. Aluminum railings are considered able to “meet all needs” type of products.

They are considerably good for homes and business settings. However, without being noticed, you might not be able to differentiate the high-end materials from aluminum products.

Aluminum Railing Installation Method

As we have mentioned frequently, aluminum railing can be easily installed by yourself. It is available for DIY option. However, it still needs some element of knowledge and handiness.

If you are not sure about your skill of working out the aluminum railing, no worry!

Jump to our installation guide below:

Unboxing and Posts

  • Check your kit before starting aluminum railing installation. Make sure that all the tools and components are ready.
  • Place the posts firstly so you must determine the location.
  • Locate the posts as you want and mark the spot.
  • Pre-drill the holes where you spot the mark.
  • Secure the posts using the hardware into the pre-drilled holes.

Put The Railing Together

  • Firstly, the spindles or infill must be attached to the bottom of the railing.
  • Second, the top rails must be attached to the spindles.

Railing Installation

  • Complete the steps above to posts together in order to form a sturdy and safe boundary to your aluminum railing deck, stairs and other areas.
  • Secure the railing to the posts using the hardware.
  • Enjoy your new aluminum railing.

Hiring professional Installer for Aluminum Railing

The aluminum railing installation method above are the simplified version to let you easily perform the steps. If you think you are not capable enough in working out the DIY projects, it means you need to hire a professional installer.

Sometimes it is also hard to find the right installer for aluminum railing. So you can use the online tool to find a high quality and experienced expert for your aluminum railing installation.

Sample Cost and Comparison Guide

Like many other building materials, aluminum railing has various prices depending on the quality, installation, location, sizes and etc. The average cost for DIY installation is around $50 per linear foot while for Pro is $75 per linear foot.

As we have mentioned, there are many factors contributing to the cost of aluminum railing. Those are:

  • Infill

For your aluminum railing, you must select the high-end infill like stainless steel cables and glass.

  • Quality

Aluminum is a great material for railing. The ticker the aluminum, the higher its quality will be.

  • Project size

Project size deals with how tall your railing is, how long it is and how many twist and turns the railing will take.

  • Setting

A flat surface is cheaper than the stair railings, for instance.

  • Location

Location is also one of the factors that determine the price of aluminum railing. This means that the price of your aluminum railing depends on where you live.

  • Finishing

Finishing with the standard post caps are usually cheaper than those with the solar lighting installed.

If you want to have a clear picture of comparison, here is the way to go through:

Aluminum Vs Stainless Steel Cable Railings

Compared to stainless steel cable railing, aluminum railing needs only less maintenance. This is because stainless steel comes with the heavy material, making the installation less appropriate.

Further, stainless steel cable railing needs more special tools and skills because the materials are not as flexible as aluminum railing. Custom installation is often needed.

When it comes to DIY installation, you’ll need more knowledge and special skills to carry out the projects while aluminum railing can easily be installed even by novice.

Aluminum Vs Wood Deck Railing

The second comparison is aluminum vs wood deck railing. Wood deck railing must be well maintained since it is prone to rot, splintering and bug infestations while aluminum railing doesn’t need any upkeep since it is not prone to any breakdown.

In case of maintenance, wood is free of maintenance and requiring staining or weather coating to keep its strength and beauty. On the other hand, aluminum needs to be wiped down for its cleanliness.

Aluminum vs Vinyl Deck Railing

Compared to vinyl deck railing, aluminum railing stand up to most of the weather condition while vinyl would have such issues due to the hot and cold temperatures.

Vinyl railing can contract and expand, leading it to aging and deteriorating its quality. Vinyl railing can easily fade or crack because it is vulnerable to the sun’s power strong UV rays.

On the other hand, aluminum railing is strong enough to fight against any elements and requiring only a simple upkeep to keep its quality overtime.

Read Also: Glass Railing Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

There are some frequently asked questions that you may have to know to broaden your knowledge. It is quite possible that you have the similar questions after completely reading this review.

What is the big benefit of adding power coating to aluminum railing?

Power coating is like a finishing added to aluminum railing in order that it can last and be durable for many years to come.

How can I clean my outdoor aluminum railing?

You need only to wipe it down to get it free from any dust or debris.

Is Aluminum railing affordable?

Yes. It can be more affordable if you take DIY installation options, meaning that you do the installation by yourself without hiring a professional.

What is aluminum railing made of?

Recycled product. So, it is environmentally friendly.

Ryan Matthews
I'm a decking enthusiast who loves nothing more than spending time outdoors surrounded by nature. A well-designed deck can transform any backyard into a private oasis. I enjoy designing and building decks that are both functional and beautiful.