IPE Decking Reviews

Ryan Matthews

IPE Decking Reviews

You shouldn’t only perform extensive research for products, but also for IPE decking reviews if you are interested in having one for your deck. Just like the floor and interior side of the house, you need to think about the outdoor setting too.

Homeowners would love having decks on their backyard so they can wind down, relax, and get together with their loved ones.

The problem with decking is that it can be overwhelming. Not only you have different kinds of materials, but you also have many things to consider.

Which type should you go for?

What shade would you prefer?

How much will you spend for the deck?

And the list goes on and on.

Homeowners have the options to choose the (seemingly) proper materials for their decks. They can either go with composite boards or wood. Each of them has their own advantages and flaws.

So, when you are looking for something that has the best qualities of the two worlds, then IPE wood decking may be your answer.

It’s a type of tropical hardwood material that won’t only make your deck look absolutely stunning, but it is also long lasting and sturdy.

It’s not 100% perfect as there are several downsides about the material, but you have to admit that it is one of the best materials for decking. It has the strongest natural properties and it would be just great for the decking.

If you check IPE decking reviews, you will see tons of positive feedbacks and opinions.

Understanding More about IPE Decking

So, what is IPE decking anyway?

This is the best quality of wood decking ever existed. It is a decking type from Brazilian Walnut. It is an exotic (and remarkably) gorgeous tree species coming from South America.

As a part of exotic hardwood, the material has its own natural ability to resist decay and rot. When compared to California Redwood, the IPE (you should read it as EE-pay) is 8 times stronger and harder.

It even has its own guarantee to last for 20 years in its natural condition without preservatives.

Be aware to choose those that have harvested responsibly from well-manage spots and forests.

It would ensure renewable resource of hardwood so the wood won’t go extinct and be gone forever.

When compared to teak, IPE offers more advantages at the fraction of the price!

These are the qualities that make IPE favorable and also some factors responsible for the positive IPE decking reviews.

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The Pros

As it was mentioned before, this type of outdoor deck has some of the best traits and characteristics. What are they?

  • The deck is sturdy and durable it is satisfying for the outdoor setting. In fact, IPE wood decking is considered one of the best (and also the most reliable) woods.
  • It has its own natural traits and resistance. It is perfect against rot and insects. It is ideal to fight off termites. It is also great against the heat. The deck will stay great and solid even when exposed to heat or sunray for a long time. You don’t need to worry about complicated IPE decking maintenance or care.
  • The wood will remain cool even during summer. Some decking floors (like PVC or composites) can be quite hot underfoot and it is unpleasant. Summers are fun but you will have to wear your flip-flops when going out to the deck. Well, if you have IPE decks, you won’t have to worry about such a thing anymore.
  • The floor also has great fire rating, which is good for safety.
  • It would be a perfect option if you are looking for decks with unique hue and grain pattern. As it is made from reliable and durable exotic hardwood, natural beauty is one of the traits you will love from the floor.

Moreover, when we are talking about hardwood species, you are going to talk about Janka scale. It is the scale showing the durability of the deck how hard and sturdy it is.

Well, Brazilian Walnut is one of the top materials with the highest Janka scale. Other woods may have hard quality too, but they aren’t used for decking.

That’s why Brazilian Walnut is considered the best type of materials for durability. Here is the layout of the Janka scale with the types and scale rate.

Brazilian Walnut or IPE3,684
Hard Maple1,450
White Oak1,360
Domestic Walnut1,010
Pine (the Pressure Treated type)690
Cedar and Redwood350 to 450

The Cons

Who doesn’t want to have a hard deck that can stay beautiful for 50 years?

If you read many IPE decking reviews, homeowners don’t mind having such valuable element at home. However, this delivers issue for the entire installation.

One of the biggest IPE decking problems is the pricey cost. The material alone is costly. And the installation isn’t easy which contributes to another problem of expensive installation.

Yes, the deck has impressive hardness quality, but the factor itself brings not-so-good news for homeowners.

The overall cost can be exorbitant. If you want to install the deck, you need to be ready with digging deeper into your pockets.

You see, the material itself is heavy and dense which makes it not right for DIY projects. You need to hire a professional service for this matter.

Another possible issue is yearly maintenance. IPE wood tends to gray prematurely, which means that you will have to deal with regular and constant sealing.

However, if you like natural weathered appearance, you won’t have to seal the deck quite often. But still, you need to seal the deck when it’s faded or once in a while.

Based on IPE decking reviews, the weathered look isn’t a big issue, but it depends on your nature as a homeowner.

Choosing High Quality Products

If you want to achieve the same positive outcome in IPE decking reviews, you need to make sure that the type of deck you choose is suitable for your needs and your activities.

The first thing you want to do is to have quality control, which naturally related to grading system.

However, you need to keep in mind that Brazilian Walnut is a tropical wood. And the problem with tropical wood is that they don’t have any set standard. They don’t have any official grading system.

In most cases, lumber yards and decking companies would use their own (grading) scales while sticking to common terms to prevent confusion among customers.

You don’t want to choose the cheap IPE, which is usually graded as B grade or as seconds. Pay very close attention to details. Do your research about premium grade board and learn their characteristics. Lower grade usually has the so-called cosmetic knots, holes, or variance.

That’s why it isn’t advisable to rush things while choosing for the right type of deck. 

Eco-Friendly Nature

If green topic is something that you are passionate about, then it is important to do extensive research about it.

Knowing where the wood comes can affect your consciousness. Brazilian Walnut is one of the rare types of woods with high demand in products.

Most products would be responsibly harvested, but to make sure, you need to check the wood’s FSC certification.

You don’t want your beautiful deck to be responsible for the extinction of one of the most beautiful exotic tropical woods, do you?

According to IPE decking reviews, always check the certification ALL of them.

Sizes and Profiles

IPE decks are available in planks, generally. The length is pretty standard, similar to other composite or wood decking boards. It has the same width as the other traditional wood. It has standard S4S or 4-sided board with solid profile.

Many companies offer grooved decking type although they also offer Tongue and Groove as well as Eased-Edge types. However, the latter 2 types are more toward the custom milling types offered by top shops.

Any establishment that can offer custom widths and lengths would be considered bonus considering the hardness of the wood. It isn’t exactly the type of wood that is easy to work with.

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IPE Decking Installation

When it comes to installation, things can be complicated. As it was mentioned before, the material itself is super expensive and the installation cost is too. It would be wise to plan out everything before you start the project.

What is the size of the deck?

What about the finish?

Who will install it would you do it as a DIY project or would you hire a professional?

Hiring a professional would be the wisest option, but then again, it would cost you. Many of the IPE decking reviews say that the overall total of your spending will be high.

Keep in mind that IPE isn’t your regular wood type. You need to deal with the hardness. You need to pre-drill each hole before you can sink the screws. Not only it is hard and complicated, but it is also time consuming.

Moreover, IPE doesn’t bend another plus side of the wood. But you need to consider extra cost for extra material and tool rent. And even after you have finished installing the deck, you will still have to finish or seal the decks. So, choose wisely.

Best Retailers for IPE Decking

Brazilian Walnut excels in quality according to many IPE decking reviews, but finding the types and materials can be a challenge.

Feel free to explore the local hardware store or Home Depot you won’t find them there. But no need to worry; here are some of the best retailers for your IPE decks

  1. Advantage Lumber
Advantage Lumber IPE Decking Reviews
Advantage Lumber IPE Decking Reviews

They focus on online service although they also provide offline service too. Their decks are available in even and of lengths, reaching up to 20 feet.

They offer 3 profiles of pre-grooved, standard, and tongue and groove types. They also provide +Plus format with one side of pre-grooved boards.

In case you are into dimensional IPE lumber, they have it, but they also provide trims and matching accessories for the deck.

If you are willing to spend extra, you should have no problems adding anti-slip profile for the decks.

If you want to save up money, you can pick the B-grade floors. Yes, they also provide it.

  1. Build Direct
Build Direct IPE Decking Reviews
Build Direct IPE Decking Reviews

This is another place offering online service. They have their own collections of high quality hardwood floors besides Brazilian Walnut decks.

They also offer the lowest price range for some specific lengths and profiles. Their decks are under the brand ‘Yard & Home’.

The quality is solid and tough just similar to IPE decks from other brands. However, they don’t have the tongue and groove type. They offer pre-grooved and standard decks.

To help customers manage their purchase, Build Direct has their own listing providing the lists of each brand and the many feet available within their supply.

  1. Other Options

Besides those two main places to get yourself IPE decking planks online, you can also try other retailers.

  • Everlasting Hardwoods. They have some options of tropical decks, like Garapa, IPE, and Cumaru. They provide solid and pre-grooved profiles. But the solid types are only available in 12 inches of width.
  • Altruwood. They have FSC certified decks with good prices and 2 available sizes. But you need to get quotes first from them
  • Bristol Valley Hardwoods. They have excellent options and collections of dimensional lumber, IPE boards, and also tongue and groove decks with random lengths.

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IPE Decking Prices

When we are talking about IPE decking cost, we are talking about the common prices and also liner foot’s price.

Although tongue and groove are included in the options, their sizes can be different and various from one manufacturer to another. Here is the table of comparison.

1 x 4 inches$2 to $2.49$2.51 to $3.28
1 x 6 inches$2.83 to $4.34$3.54 to $5.24
5/4 x 4 inches$2 to $2.70$3 to $4.28
5/4 x 6 inches$4.49 to $6.28$4.91 to $5.86

Qualified Installer

In some IPE decking reviews, users complain about the difficulty of finding quality installer. Homeowners either overpay the installation or can’t find the installer.

You can always access the estimate tool (which is online and free) so you can get local bids 3 of them within 24 hours. You should find a reliable tool that can collect input from reliable contractors and sources


Is there such a thing as weathered IPE decking boards?

Yes, there is. However, this type isn’t common when compared to the IPE. As a result, finding such weathered decks can be challenging.

Is it okay to use stain with IPE decks?

You are always welcome to try, but don’t be too surprised if the result is unsuccessful. IPE is quite dense. That’s why it is difficult to stain. For IPE decks, it would be better to go with protective coatings having similar properties.

Why is IPE decks expensive?

You should know that exotic woods are always costlier than domestic species and it goes especially to durable materials and quality (like the IPE). The availability and prices may be different from time to time, depending on demands and supply.

Will IPE decking give me a lot of color variation?

Within its untreated and natural state, you should be able to notice a slight bit of color variation. If you want to, you can have treatments to even things out. However, if you do want a uniform look, you may want to think about it carefully. Don’t be hasty in making decision.

Is IPE decking longer lasting than decks from cedar or Redwood?

Yes. According to IPE decking reviews, this material is extremely resilient and durable. Well taken care of IPE decks can last for 50 years although stains and fading are the main common problems.

Is it a must to seal IPE wood decks?

It is imperative that you seal boards with exposed ends or ripped ones. IPE is dense which makes it challenging to seal. It is more advisable to add a premium quality of UV layer protection.

Is it possible to repair IPE decks?

Only in a certain degree you can do it just the same as regular wood decks. Sanding may be an option, but it may not work well if the boards are damaged quite severely. If this is the case, then having a replacement plank would be better. Not to mention that IPE is dense, so it may be challenging to work with.


As you can see, Brazilian Walnut is considered the best material for decking. It does have some flaws, but when compared to the strength, the downsides are quite minimal.

Besides the durability and longevity, the material also ensures quality as well as appearance. The wood has its own natural look and beauty which adds up value to your property.

Reading IPE decking reviews is handy to add your knowledge of the material as well as helping you make a better decision.

Ryan Matthews
I'm a decking enthusiast who loves nothing more than spending time outdoors surrounded by nature. A well-designed deck can transform any backyard into a private oasis. I enjoy designing and building decks that are both functional and beautiful.